Setting the Scene: Episode 2

By Gabriel Sieling
Hosted by Gabriel Sieling

Official Transcript:


Gabriel Sieling: “Hello everyone and welcome to The Cinema Chronicles. I’m your host Gabriel, and today we are going to be talking about what are Fan Films, and what impact do they have on the internet and pop culture.”

SOUND EFFECT: Old Film Rolling sound.

Gabriel Sieling: “You might be asking, what are Fan Films? A film is a film or video made by the fans of a popular form of media such as Films,

SOUND EFFECT: Indiana Jones Theme Song or Star Wars theme.

TV Shows

SOUND EFFECT: Friends (Joey being stupid) or laugh track.

 Comic Books

SOUND EFFECT: Batman Bam Pow!

and Video Games.”

SOUND EFFECT: Mario pipe sound.

Gabriel Sieling: “A Fan Film is a way for beginning creators to make a project about one of their favorite fandoms of pop culture, without having to deal with the copyright laws. As long as you give credit to the original creators of the thing your film is based on, then you can make a fan film on basically anything you can put your mind to.”

SOUND EFFECT: Old Film Rolling sound.

Gabriel Sieling: “The process of making a fan film is not that different from making a normal film. The only difference is that unlike most modern big budget studios,

SOUND EFFECT: Cha Ching Money Sound.

 fan film creators usually take a lot of time and care into a topic they genuinely care about. A fan film creator usually has a lot of respect for the source material and puts every ounce of care they have into the project.”

SOUND EFFECT: Old Film Rolling sound.

Gabriel Sieling: “What kind of impact can a Fan Film have on the internet and pop culture? A Fan Film can usually have any kind of impact on pop culture. For example, fan films can make a good and lasting impact when first announced.

SOUND EFFECT: twitter notification.

But nowadays if something that the creator said a long time ago comes up, it can tear the whole thing down to the ground.

SOUND EFFECT: Destruction

and make people question the point of fan films in general. A huge example of this actually happened very recently with a fan film called “Spider-Man Lotus.”

SOUND EFFECT: Spider-Man Thwip sound.

 When the first full trailer was released on October 27th, 2021, on YouTube, it was a smash hit. The trailer grossed over two million views.”

SOUND EFFECT: Slot Machine Win


 Gabriel Sieling: “Things were looking great for the film until one day, an old tweet made by the creator of the film “Gavin J Konop” was leaked. The tweet had a racist comment, which immediately turned the whole internet on the film. The film was released, but it still made a lasting impact on not just Spider-Man Lotus, but other Spider-Man fan films in general. Spider-Man Fan Films made by people like “Joey Lever” Creator of the “Spider-Man Lost Cause duology,” and “Health Gleason” Creator of the Spidey fan film “Intractable.” Both had their films affected because of this controversy. People have even been commenting on my fan films saying, “I hope this won’t be like Spider-Man Lotus.” I usually do not care for criticism, and this comment does not mean anything to any fan film creators. If anything, I take it as a complement because I personally loved Spider-Man Lotus, and I have even modeled some of my films after it. But at the end of the day, no matter what kind of impact you make on the community, weather good or bad, there will always be people somewhere out there to appreciate what you do, and not just what you did.”


Gabriel Sieling: Thanks for tuning in, my names Gabriel and I will see you next time on… the cinema chronicles.


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